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Were you born curly? Do you cringe when you sit down with a new stylist, wondering if you just made their day a little harder and wondering if they’re going to make yours a tearful disaster?

I don’t know how often clients have told me they have a terrible time finding someone who can really cut curly hair. And to be honest, a lot of stylists are less than thrilled when curls come floating through the door. Not me!


When a new client walks through my door with a bouncy head of curls, I just swoon. I know I’m about to have fun and that’s why I’m a stylist.

No doubt that it’s more challenging to cut curly hair well. Badly cut curls have reduced more than one woman to tears the second she’s out the door of the salon (not my salon, I assure you).

Curly haircut dos

If you have curly hair, you already know that the characteristics of curly hair differ when it’s wet and when it’s dry. I always cut curly hair dry, never wet. You have to cut just before the crest of the curl. Cutting through the midpoint of the curl can produce a very uneven look.

I always leave the top-front of the curly head last. The curls are shortest here and the stylist needs to be careful not to take too much off.

Curly haircut don’ts

What is it that makes a curl so attractive? It’s the body and weight that provide definition. You don’t want to thin out fine curly hair or you lose this definition.

I never use a razor cut on curly hair. Razors can fray the ends and that is not cool on a curly head.

Which curly are you?

Curly heads come in all kinds of combination’s. You may have tight curls and fine hair or relaxed curls with thick, luxurious hair. The style you choose should fit not only how you want to look but how easy it is to care for. If you look gorgeous when you leave my chair but can’t recreate that look for a date Friday night, oops, I haven’t done you any favors.

Those pretty curls are like little springs that don’t always want to cooperate. But OMG, when cut and cared for right they are so beautiful and sexy. I’ll give you more tips about this another time.

Source by Joey Hakanson

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