Recently I read a column in the local newspaper which addressed the common health problems that people have. My simple observation told me that 8 out of 10 people today are suffering from problems related to skin and hair. It is then when I decided to write this informative article so as to introduce everyone to a chlorine filter which is the key answer to all their queries.
A chlorine filter, as is evident form the name, is a water filter whose prime task is to remove chlorine from water. Now you might be thinking – why is chlorine present in water at the first place?
Let me explain.
The water supplied to our homes has chlorine in it! It is added explicitly by the water supply companies to keep the bacterial growth in control. Now the same water is when used for drinking, cooking food, taking a shower – we end up ingesting chlorine which is extremely bad for our health.
Many people, who already know this fact, chose to have chlorine filter installed in their kitchen. But let me tell you, this is not the complete solution.
When you are taking a shower, the pores in your skin up and this makes an easy way for chlorine to get absorbed by the skin. Direct contact of chlorinated water with skin and hair causes severe damage to them.
The common problems like skin dryness, itchiness, redness etc are all consequences of this hazardous chemical chlorine.
Not only this, it also breaks the protective layer around the hair and make them dry and brittle. This leads to dry, dull and shine less hair. Other problems like hair fall, hair loss and loss of hair color is also closely related with chlorine.
In essence, this chemical is harmful for both hair and skin. To add to this there are various other ailments caused due to the damage that it causes to other body organs. It can be serious enough to cause cancer too.
Don’t worry – help is at hand.
Use a chlorine filter to get rid of this deadly chemical and ensure the health of hair, skin and overall body as well.
A note here – water supplied to our homes has various other contaminants like pesticides, herbicides, virus, cysts, metal traces etc. So, won’t it be better to have a multi block water purifier installed?
A chlorine filter works specifically for removing chlorine while a multi block purifier using multiple filtration techniques is effective for practically all types of impurities. Thus they provide a complete solution to all your health and beauty related worries.
Now that you know this, wait no longer. Look out for a multi block water purifier which combines the strength of a chlorine filter and other advanced filtration technique to give you the best results. For more information on such filters, visit my website listed below.
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