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Dieting and exercise is an excellent combination for losing weight. The downside, though, is sagging skin. Abrupt or drastic weight loss loosens the skin especially in our midsection. Besides surgery, there is a natural option to fix this situation. Plastic surgeons themselves recommend a lapse of 2 years after you reach your ideal weight before considering a surgical solution. Better for you to try out all natural remedies first.

Natural treatments

A skin care regimen should be part of our daily habit. The first step is exfoliating dead skin cells. Do this daily to stimulate circulation of the skin and tighten it. Sea salt is one marvelous exfoliant. Sea salt solutions can be purchased at any beauty supply store or independent beauty consultants. You can get the good quality solutions for $28 or so. In the shower, spread a thin layer of the solution on loose skin or rough patches of your skin. You can also pour the solution in your bath to soak in while it removes toxins resulting in a renewed skin tone.

Have your body fat percentage measured. You can have this done by an instructor at the gym. To lower your body fat percentage, you should have muscle instead of fat. You can get all the information on how to target the areas in your body that need to be worked on from a personal trainer.

If you want refined elasticity of your skin, you can try going on a diet of raw foods. Coconut, olives, tomatoes and cucumber are among the best choices. Or you can add yeast extract, soy protein and aloe vera extract to your diet. These food products promote collagen regrowth, firms up sagging skin and improves your immune system. An important supplement to your diet is Hyaluronic Acid to facilitate muscle growth.

Surgical Treatments

What if, despite all this, your skin still hangs loose? Then you have no other alternative left but a liposuction. Liposuction is a common and safe procedure that will remove excess fat and cut away loose skin. A tubal instrument is used to suck out your excess fat, after which the plastic surgeon cuts away remaining excess skin. You end up with taut, young looking skin. Liposuction costs are in the area of $1,500 to $7,500, depending on the surgeon’s fees and the location of the procedure. Budgetary constraints can be alleviated by available financing options.

The rare complications are infection, negative reactions to the anesthesia and nerve damage. After about 7 – 10 days, your skin comes out looking good as new, tight and smooth. Preserve your post-operative figure by sticking to your daily exercises and a healthy diet.

Source by Kalona Karrington